Names of Holy Qurbana Home
There are different names for the Holy Qurbana. The name ‘agreement (Knusio) is known because our different lives are made to agree with the one God. Another name ‘communion (Sauthopuso) as we are made one with God. The word “fellowship” (Koorobo), as the heavenly beings and earthy beings, those departed (dead) and those living and those far and near are all have fellowship in common. The word ‘sacrifice’ or ‘offering’ (Debaho) suits because we got remission of sins through his sacrifice. The word ‘mystery’ (Roso) is given because it is mysteriously entrusted to the disciples at the mansion of St. Mark. The name “Perfector of the perfections” (ga Meerus gir Voso) as it is the sacrament of sacraments, through this all other sacraments are perfected. The word ‘thanks giving’ (Evukaristhia) (Eucharist) as it is offered to Father the God by the faithful believers. There are other known names such as ‘Last Supper’ or ‘Breaking up of bread’.